Menjawab Tudingan Sumbang: "Raja Salman Jangan Bikin Ulah"¹
Menjawab Tudingan Sumbang: "Raja Salman Jangan Bikin Ulah"¹
Pelan-pelan wahai tuan,
Anda menuding Raja Salman bikin ulah dan menuntut beliau agar tabayyun kepada Qatar dalam keadaan anda sendiri tidak tabayyun terlebih dahulu sebelum menuding beliau?! Duhai... inikah keadilan wahai tuan?!
Anda menuding Raja Salman bikin ulah dan menuntut beliau agar tabayyun kepada Qatar dalam keadaan anda sendiri tidak tabayyun terlebih dahulu sebelum menuding beliau?! Duhai... inikah keadilan wahai tuan?!
Akan kami tunjukkan betapa gegabah dan berbahayanya anda di medan ilmiyah keamanan beberapa negara berdaulat.....
Akan kami tunjukkan betapa gegabah dan berbahayanya anda di medan ilmiyah keamanan beberapa negara berdaulat.....
Ada Tangan Syiah Iran Dibalik Qatar
Telah kami paparkan bagaimana sikap politik agresif ekspansif radikal yang dilancarkan oleh Syiah Iran terhadap negara-negara Muslim untuk menyebarkan ambisi revolusi Syiah Khomeiniyah di berbagai penjuru dunia. Berbagai upaya mereka lakukan untuk menyokong gerakan revolusi pemberontakan Syiah seperti di Yaman dan Bahrain yang di situ turut pula Qatar bermain sebagai "pemodal". Manhaj Ikhwanul Muslimin dan para dedengkotnya yang dimuliakan dan memiliki pengaruh besar di negara Qatar tentulah menjadi semacam perekat hubungan mesra antara Qatar dengan Syiah Iran (akan ada tulisan tersendiri betapa Syiah benar-benar dalam dekapan erat Ikhwanul Muslimin, in sya Allah).
Oleh karena itu, tak mengherankan jika Iran kemudian berada pada garda terdepan untuk membackup "pemodalnya" tatkala beberapa negara menggunakan hak berdaulatnya sebagai sebuah negara untuk memproteksi penuh dari ancaman keamanan wilayah dan kawasannya dengan melarang keluar masuknya armada transportasi darat, laut dan udara mereka dengan Qatar.
⚠️Jadi tidaklah benar jika negara kawasan teluk dipropagandakan secara dusta telah memblokade Qatar. Bandar udara dan pelabuhan di Qatar masih tetap berfungsi/terbuka, sebagai buktinya armada Iran masih bisa bebas keluar masuk negara tersebut. Yang dilakukan oleh negara-negara tersebut hanyalah melarang armada kedua negara untuk keluar masuk perbatasan dengan negara Qatar, yang telah dituding terlibat dalam aksi teror dan kekacauan di negara-negara lain.
Berikut salah satu buktinya.....
Al Arabiya News Channel telah merilis Jumat malam (16/6/2017) empat rekaman percakapan telepon antara Penasihat Khusus Emir Qatar Hammad bin Khalifa Abdullah Al-Attiya dan Hassan Ali Mohammed Juma'a Sultan, seorang pembangkang Bahrain, yang kewarganegaraannya telah dicabut pada tahun 2015. Rekaman tersebut menunjukkan bagaimana Qatar bersekongkol di balik layar melawan kebijakan terpadu negara-negara Teluk di Bahrain.
Di dalam rekaman telepon tidak bertanggal tersebut, mereka menyinggung tentang perundingan yang mungkin telah terjadi pada tahun 2011, setelah enam anggota Dewan Kerjasama Teluk (GCC) mengirim pasukan gabungan militer mereka yang dikenal sebagai Peninsula Shield Force atas permintaan pemerintah Bahrain untuk melindungi Keamanan nasional negara Bahrain.
Rekaman pertama² menunjukkan bagaimana Qatar berusaha untuk menyeimbangkan antara Doha dengan kebijakan pro-GCC di Bahrain, namun justru bekerja di belakang layar, menggunakan Al-Jazeera News Channel untuk menyiarkan agenda yang berlawanan.
"Para perusuh sekarang berurusan dengan kekuatan dari kekuatan pendudukan," Sultan mendengar pemberitahuan al-Attiyah dalam percakapan telepon pertama.
"Saya mengikuti apa yang anda katakan," kata Attiyah lalu melanjutkan, "Saya seharusnya tidak mengatakan hal ini, seperti yang seharusnya Anda ketahui, kami di Qatar, kami memiliki reservasi kami (mengenai kehadiran Pasukan Peninsula Shield Force di Bahrain)."
Attiyah mengatakan bahwa Qatar tidak dapat melawan saudara-saudara di GCC dan "menolak untuk kelas-kelas" di Peninsula Shield Force.
"Seperti yang Anda tahu hukum untuk Peninsula Shield Force mengharuskan semua negara untuk percaya diri," katanya. "Kami menahan diri untuk tidak berpartisipasi sebagai pasukan," sembari menambahkan bahwa "ada dua petugas Qatar yang sedang diawasi."
Attiyah juga mengatakan jika situasi semakin berkembang, dia secara pribadi akan melihat Sultan atau "Shaikh Issa."
Shaikh Isa Qassim, seorang pemimpin oposisi, yang kewarganegaraan Bahrain-nya dicabut pada tahun 2016 dan sedang menghadapi pengadilan "pencucian uang".
Dalam rekaman kedua³, Attiyah bertanya mengenai apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di Bahrain, dan dalam telepon ketiga⁴, penasihat Qatar bertanya kepada Sultan, apakah orang tersebut dapat merekomendasikan seseorang yang dapat hadir di Al-Jazeera untuk membicarakan situasi di Bahrain.
"Kami menginginkan kerjasama atas informasi yang benar," Tanya Attiyah kepada Sultan.
Dalam rekaman keempat(5), Sultan merekomendasikan dan memberi Attiyah nama jurnalis Bahrain Tahir al-Musawi untuk memberi Al-Jazeera semua informasi yang dibutuhkan.
Gambar 1. Kiri: Hassan Ali Mohammed Juma'a Sultan, seorang pembangkang Bahrain, yang kewarganegaraannya telah dicabut pada tahun 2015; Kanan: Penasehat Khusus Emir Qatar, Hammad bin Khalifa Abdullah Al-Attiyah
Catatan kaki
(1) http://wartaekonomi.co.id/read144313/qatar-dikucilkan-din-syamsuddin-raja-salman-jangan-bikin-ulah.html
(1) http://wartaekonomi.co.id/read144313/qatar-dikucilkan-din-syamsuddin-raja-salman-jangan-bikin-ulah.html
(2) Berikut adalah transkrip terjemahan bahasa Inggris dari empat percakapan telepon yang berlangsung selama bulan Maret 2011 antara Penasihat Emir Qatar, Hamad Khalifa Al-Attiya (HA) dan Hassan Ali Sultan (HS) (mantan anggota Wefaq MP / Dawa / buronan yang saat ini berada di Lebanon, dalam pelariannya ke Irak) yang berkonspirasi selama krisis 2011 di Bahrain.
HA: Assalamu Alaikum
PA: Assalamu Alaikum
HA: Wa alaikum Alsalam, Good Afternoon Shaikh
PA: Just a minute, I shall pass the mobile to the Shaikh
HA: Go ahead
HS: Sheikh Hassan, I am with you. Assalamu Alaikum,
HA: Wa alaikum Alsalam Al-Shaikh
HS: Cordial greetings Abu Khalifa
HA: I am sorry I had called you on the other line and nobody picked up.
HS: Bu Khalifa, Please go ahead, direct me.
HA: May no enemy give you orders. I have inquired about the Peninsula Shield and there was no Qatari participation. There are only two Qatari officers in the role of observers as per the Peninsula Shield bylaws that we have to abide by. This time we took reservations to avoid participating with troops.
HS: Yes but there are two officers from Qatar.
HA: Yes there are two observer officers from Qatar as we are obliged to comply with.
HS: Sir, Abu Khalifa, right now the people are dealing with and will deal with these forces as occupying forces. I hope you take this into consideration.
HA: Shaikh, I am with what you are saying and I am not meant to say this to you but we in Qatar have our reservations due to the brotherly ties with you. You know, the Peninsula Shield bylaws stipulate that we participate. We tried not to allow the situation to develop in order for us not to send forces, troops nor send an air force.
HS: Sir, Sir, I am not fully aware of the bylaws, but today the Kuwaiti Parliament has a problem. It will be raising an inquest into the matter and will take it up with the government.
HA: I am with you Shaikh, this is reality. But tell me now. What is the message you want me to convey to the Prime Minister before he goes out. Or would you like to call me after a short while.
HS: Abu Khalifa, give me 30-45 minutes because you know this issue isn’t the easiest. The Opposition is in meetings. The inner-house is in meetings. It needs spinning. If something is spun, I shall call you Abu Khalifa.
HA: I will wait for a call from you in any minute.
HS: Thank you. Thank you.
HA: If something is formulated, tomorrow after the Prime Minster together with Saud Al-Faisal sit with the King, I will come accordingly, if need be, to visit you or see Shaikh Isa (Qassim) after I see what they reach to with the King or the government.
HS: This is an honour Abu Khalifa. Even if you are asked who you want to come visit, myself or the Prime Minister, come visit us there. Whatever works for you.
HA: Your presence is an honour to us, or His Excellency Shaikh Hamad, we are at your service. This is your country. We are your guests and this land is yours.
HS: I have no doubt. Rest assured. Pass my regards to Shaikh Isa.
HA: Assalamu Alaikum
PA: Assalamu Alaikum
HA: Wa alaikum Alsalam, Good Afternoon Shaikh
PA: Just a minute, I shall pass the mobile to the Shaikh
HA: Go ahead
HS: Sheikh Hassan, I am with you. Assalamu Alaikum,
HA: Wa alaikum Alsalam Al-Shaikh
HS: Cordial greetings Abu Khalifa
HA: I am sorry I had called you on the other line and nobody picked up.
HS: Bu Khalifa, Please go ahead, direct me.
HA: May no enemy give you orders. I have inquired about the Peninsula Shield and there was no Qatari participation. There are only two Qatari officers in the role of observers as per the Peninsula Shield bylaws that we have to abide by. This time we took reservations to avoid participating with troops.
HS: Yes but there are two officers from Qatar.
HA: Yes there are two observer officers from Qatar as we are obliged to comply with.
HS: Sir, Abu Khalifa, right now the people are dealing with and will deal with these forces as occupying forces. I hope you take this into consideration.
HA: Shaikh, I am with what you are saying and I am not meant to say this to you but we in Qatar have our reservations due to the brotherly ties with you. You know, the Peninsula Shield bylaws stipulate that we participate. We tried not to allow the situation to develop in order for us not to send forces, troops nor send an air force.
HS: Sir, Sir, I am not fully aware of the bylaws, but today the Kuwaiti Parliament has a problem. It will be raising an inquest into the matter and will take it up with the government.
HA: I am with you Shaikh, this is reality. But tell me now. What is the message you want me to convey to the Prime Minister before he goes out. Or would you like to call me after a short while.
HS: Abu Khalifa, give me 30-45 minutes because you know this issue isn’t the easiest. The Opposition is in meetings. The inner-house is in meetings. It needs spinning. If something is spun, I shall call you Abu Khalifa.
HA: I will wait for a call from you in any minute.
HS: Thank you. Thank you.
HA: If something is formulated, tomorrow after the Prime Minster together with Saud Al-Faisal sit with the King, I will come accordingly, if need be, to visit you or see Shaikh Isa (Qassim) after I see what they reach to with the King or the government.
HS: This is an honour Abu Khalifa. Even if you are asked who you want to come visit, myself or the Prime Minister, come visit us there. Whatever works for you.
HA: Your presence is an honour to us, or His Excellency Shaikh Hamad, we are at your service. This is your country. We are your guests and this land is yours.
HS: I have no doubt. Rest assured. Pass my regards to Shaikh Isa.
HA: Assalmu Alaikum Shaikh
HS: Abu Khalifa How are you? May God grant you a long life. Of course you are following the developments.
HA: Yes of course.
HS: I am talking with you Abu Khalifa based on your request that I inform you of any new information regarding the police forces and the declaration of national emergency. We expect blood to be shed.
HA: Yes, I will immediately carry this story on Al-Jazeera. We have no problem to put this out now.
HS: Our message is that what is happening today is with the blessing of the Gulf states.
HA: I need to know, what are the villages, that are facing problems.
HS: All of them, all villages, right now, there is no protection for Shias in Bahrain. And we have taken this up with our religious leadership in Najaf, Qom and Lebanon. It’s over. There is no political protection or other for what is happening. There is an Al-Khalifa rape.
HA: Ok my question is, right now it is the afternoon, is there a spread of thugs or military personnel or police or what exactly?
HS: The thugs are the forces. They have weapons and are trolling the villages wearing civilian clothing. After the declaration, the army has been deployed. I can see this in front of me. I am standing in our headquarters and watching. The Security Forces as a third element are conducting the same role.
HA: Who is the person that I can get Al-Jazeera to get in touch with to get this information?
HS: Mmmmm..
HA: Shall I get them to call you and use an alias?
HS: No problem, I just need two minutes to prepare the topic Abu Khalifa.
HA: Get back to me in a few minutes.
HS: Immediately, I will get back to you.
HA: Assalmu Alaikum Shaikh
HS: Abu Khalifa How are you? May God grant you a long life. Of course you are following the developments.
HA: Yes of course.
HS: I am talking with you Abu Khalifa based on your request that I inform you of any new information regarding the police forces and the declaration of national emergency. We expect blood to be shed.
HA: Yes, I will immediately carry this story on Al-Jazeera. We have no problem to put this out now.
HS: Our message is that what is happening today is with the blessing of the Gulf states.
HA: I need to know, what are the villages, that are facing problems.
HS: All of them, all villages, right now, there is no protection for Shias in Bahrain. And we have taken this up with our religious leadership in Najaf, Qom and Lebanon. It’s over. There is no political protection or other for what is happening. There is an Al-Khalifa rape.
HA: Ok my question is, right now it is the afternoon, is there a spread of thugs or military personnel or police or what exactly?
HS: The thugs are the forces. They have weapons and are trolling the villages wearing civilian clothing. After the declaration, the army has been deployed. I can see this in front of me. I am standing in our headquarters and watching. The Security Forces as a third element are conducting the same role.
HA: Who is the person that I can get Al-Jazeera to get in touch with to get this information?
HS: Mmmmm..
HA: Shall I get them to call you and use an alias?
HS: No problem, I just need two minutes to prepare the topic Abu Khalifa.
HA: Get back to me in a few minutes.
HS: Immediately, I will get back to you.
HS: Salam Abu Khalifa
HA: Hello
HS: The number of the person who can speak to Al-Jazeera is the MP Khalil Almarzooq who was the First Deputy of the House of Representatives, or if you want anybody else, but preferably him. Right now he is at a meeting at the American Embassy so you won’t be able to reach him. Take his number.
HA: What is his number
HS: 36xxxxx
HA: Look, we will have a different position and we have no qualms. But we want cooperation, solid information and the details. We don’t want to appear, in front of the public, to have been hasty in our decision.
HS: No worries.
HA: We ask that everything is documented visually and dated.
HS: We are ready.
HA: I will organize it through you. I shall call you after a while.
HS: Salam Abu Khalifa
HA: Hello
HS: The number of the person who can speak to Al-Jazeera is the MP Khalil Almarzooq who was the First Deputy of the House of Representatives, or if you want anybody else, but preferably him. Right now he is at a meeting at the American Embassy so you won’t be able to reach him. Take his number.
HA: What is his number
HS: 36xxxxx
HA: Look, we will have a different position and we have no qualms. But we want cooperation, solid information and the details. We don’t want to appear, in front of the public, to have been hasty in our decision.
HS: No worries.
HA: We ask that everything is documented visually and dated.
HS: We are ready.
HA: I will organize it through you. I shall call you after a while.
HS: Salam Abu Khalifa
HA: Hello
HS: Take this number of the man who will provide you with details and information. Take his number for you to get details from or even for the TV Channel. He can provide them with realtime details and footage. Everything is documented. 3xxxxxxx
HA: 96 at the end? Oh this is the number without the code. That is 973 I have that already.
HS: Yes, his name is Sayed Taher.
HA: Should we call Saif? or call Khalil?
HS: Call Taher Al-Moosawi now.
HA: Saif Taher?
HS: Sayed Taher Al-Moosawi. He is a journalist. He has very accurate information and can pass it on.
HA: OK, I will give you our strategy.
HS: Thank you
HA: Bye
HS: Salam Abu Khalifa
HA: Hello
HS: Take this number of the man who will provide you with details and information. Take his number for you to get details from or even for the TV Channel. He can provide them with realtime details and footage. Everything is documented. 3xxxxxxx
HA: 96 at the end? Oh this is the number without the code. That is 973 I have that already.
HS: Yes, his name is Sayed Taher.
HA: Should we call Saif? or call Khalil?
HS: Call Taher Al-Moosawi now.
HA: Saif Taher?
HS: Sayed Taher Al-Moosawi. He is a journalist. He has very accurate information and can pass it on.
HA: OK, I will give you our strategy.
HS: Thank you
HA: Bye
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